Teenage dreams
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Terdorong menulis blog selepas baca kak flute aku punya blogpost. Haha.. So.. Here we go.
Orang kata zaman remaja paling best dan tak boleh dilupakan, prime of our lifes, best memories, bla bla.. Especially zaman sekolah menengah (jap, bukan ke remaja tu sekolah menengah ke?) So anyways, memang aku agree! Haha, and 2013 is the best year so far! Bukan macam tahun lepas a.k.a. form one. Derr, at that time we were just new, blur and masih terpinga-pinga juniors. Tahun ni we're form two! LOL.
I'm just writing anything that comes into my mind just to get this topic on. First off: any changes after being a 'teenager'? Haha. A lot. >.< Though I don't want to say ALL OF IT here in case there's a STALKER. Dude, I'm paranoid, eventhough I've got no followers. Hargh. Not that I'm bothered.
Changes: I'm taller. I'm getting pimples. My face gets oily. I notice boys. I sometimes got no control on my emotions; I could get from being happy to downright murderous in an instant. Inikah yang orang kata moodswing? LOL. No seriously. Aku rasa this is a problem and aku akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk controlkan.
Next! Impian. What do I hope to achieve or experience during my teenage life? Hurm. A lot. Some of them:
- Success in school. This is the number-one priority. Well, duh. Kita kan student. Kot-kot mana pun sekolah tetap penting. Dah dah, jangan nak mengada-ngada.
- Great memories as an orchestra member. Hidup aku sudah 50% orchestra-related. So I just want to spend zaman remaja aku ni sebanyak mungkin dengan sep band. Seriously, I will cherish every second of it. 1 BAND, 1 SONG, 1 FAMILY! <3
- Batch 39! Aku sayang batch aku, even with the weird nutcases. LOL.
OK, soalan cepumas. HAHA. What about love?
DAH!! Jangan nak mengada-ngada! >,< Aku tahu aku tahu.. But aku rasakan laa.. Tak patut panggil cinta, sebab aku rasa sekarang ni perasaan yang kau rasa tu setakat minat je. Sorry to say. Sebab cinta tu bermaksud korang tetap akan sayang each other walaupun kekurangan ada 1000 dan hanya mempunyai satu kelebihan. *ok too much reading malay novels* But seriously. Who can say dengan segala ikhlas dan tulus hatinya they really LOVE that person?
Minat itu biasa. Everyone wants to love and be loved. Tapi untuk aku la kan, my opinion.. KAU BAEK TAK PAYAH MENGADA-NGADA NAK BERCOUPLE MASA SEKOLAH, GATAL! Heehee..
Sekolah korang takde haramkan couple ke? Seriously, bagi budak penjara (SBP) macam aku ni, aku kadang-kadang terkejut jugak tengok budak-budak sekolah biasa (yo no hate!) Well, how they dress, act and socialize. Memang macam langit dan bumi. Tudung warna-warni dengan bonggol unta di belakang (LOL), baju kecik dan pendek, seluar jeans.. >,< Bila nak tutup aurat weyy? And the way they act with the opposite gender. Manja-manja, control ayu. xP Ada one time tu aku nampak sorang ni main cubit-cubit pipi ngan laki ni. >,< Kau kawin dah ke? Just a reminder for us, as in me included. Nuff said.
Aku ngan segala jenis kehidupan luar pun lain dah. Phone, tv, hangout, majalah, MANGA, ANIME dan lain-lain.. It changed. Aku tak ketagih sangat dah. Tapi Internet tak payah cakap la. Still love it dude!
Alhamdulillah aku dapat masuk sekolah sains ibarat sekolah agama ni. LOL.
In conclusion pasal benda mengarut ni, aku kata : Bercinta Selepas Berkahwin. Baru la sweet. HAHA
Teenage dreams
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Terdorong menulis blog selepas baca kak flute aku punya blogpost. Haha.. So.. Here we go.
Orang kata zaman remaja paling best dan tak boleh dilupakan, prime of our lifes, best memories, bla bla.. Especially zaman sekolah menengah (jap, bukan ke remaja tu sekolah menengah ke?) So anyways, memang aku agree! Haha, and 2013 is the best year so far! Bukan macam tahun lepas a.k.a. form one. Derr, at that time we were just new, blur and masih terpinga-pinga juniors. Tahun ni we're form two! LOL.
I'm just writing anything that comes into my mind just to get this topic on. First off: any changes after being a 'teenager'? Haha. A lot. >.< Though I don't want to say ALL OF IT here in case there's a STALKER. Dude, I'm paranoid, eventhough I've got no followers. Hargh. Not that I'm bothered.
Changes: I'm taller. I'm getting pimples. My face gets oily. I notice boys. I sometimes got no control on my emotions; I could get from being happy to downright murderous in an instant. Inikah yang orang kata moodswing? LOL. No seriously. Aku rasa this is a problem and aku akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk controlkan.
Next! Impian. What do I hope to achieve or experience during my teenage life? Hurm. A lot. Some of them:
- Success in school. This is the number-one priority. Well, duh. Kita kan student. Kot-kot mana pun sekolah tetap penting. Dah dah, jangan nak mengada-ngada.
- Great memories as an orchestra member. Hidup aku sudah 50% orchestra-related. So I just want to spend zaman remaja aku ni sebanyak mungkin dengan sep band. Seriously, I will cherish every second of it. 1 BAND, 1 SONG, 1 FAMILY! <3
- Batch 39! Aku sayang batch aku, even with the weird nutcases. LOL.
OK, soalan cepumas. HAHA. What about love?
DAH!! Jangan nak mengada-ngada! >,< Aku tahu aku tahu.. But aku rasakan laa.. Tak patut panggil cinta, sebab aku rasa sekarang ni perasaan yang kau rasa tu setakat minat je. Sorry to say. Sebab cinta tu bermaksud korang tetap akan sayang each other walaupun kekurangan ada 1000 dan hanya mempunyai satu kelebihan. *ok too much reading malay novels* But seriously. Who can say dengan segala ikhlas dan tulus hatinya they really LOVE that person?
Minat itu biasa. Everyone wants to love and be loved. Tapi untuk aku la kan, my opinion.. KAU BAEK TAK PAYAH MENGADA-NGADA NAK BERCOUPLE MASA SEKOLAH, GATAL! Heehee..
Sekolah korang takde haramkan couple ke? Seriously, bagi budak penjara (SBP) macam aku ni, aku kadang-kadang terkejut jugak tengok budak-budak sekolah biasa (yo no hate!) Well, how they dress, act and socialize. Memang macam langit dan bumi. Tudung warna-warni dengan bonggol unta di belakang (LOL), baju kecik dan pendek, seluar jeans.. >,< Bila nak tutup aurat weyy? And the way they act with the opposite gender. Manja-manja, control ayu. xP Ada one time tu aku nampak sorang ni main cubit-cubit pipi ngan laki ni. >,< Kau kawin dah ke? Just a reminder for us, as in me included. Nuff said.
Aku ngan segala jenis kehidupan luar pun lain dah. Phone, tv, hangout, majalah, MANGA, ANIME dan lain-lain.. It changed. Aku tak ketagih sangat dah. Tapi Internet tak payah cakap la. Still love it dude!
Alhamdulillah aku dapat masuk sekolah sains ibarat sekolah agama ni. LOL.
In conclusion pasal benda mengarut ni, aku kata : Bercinta Selepas Berkahwin. Baru la sweet. HAHA